DeLTA Center Roundtable - Ariel Aloe

DeLTA Center Roundtable - Ariel Aloe
Friday, October 21, 2016 - 9:00am to 10:30am
Lindquist Center

Ariel Aloe, Assistant Professor in Psychological and Quantitative Foundations at the University of Iowa, will be giving a talk for the DeLTA Center.


9:00 a.m.: Research Evidence or Evidence of Research

Abstract: In recent years, much attention has been given to issues related to the lack of replicability of research findings. In this conversational talk, I will attempt to distinguish between replicability and reproducibility of research. In addition, I will consider how replicability and reproducibility influence primary, secondary, and meta-analysis research.  Issues related to design and analysis will be considered as well.  The goal of the presentation is to contribute to the way we reflect about our own practices and disciplines.