DeLTA Roundtable Discussion - Toward an open developmental science? How do we adapt the tools of open science and pre-registration to the challenging needs of developmental scientists?

Friday, October 14, 2022 - 9:00am
University Capitol Centre


Open science practices, such as pre-registration and data sharing, increase transparency and may improve the rigor and replicability of developmental science. However, developmental science faces unique challenges and considerations, particularly for longitudinal studies, or studies using special populations. This may require a new model or new guidelines. Isaac Petersen, Bob McMurray and Keith Apfelbaum will lead a discussion about the challenges and pitfalls faced by developmental scientists. The discussion starts from a new model they have developed for their laboratories. This model uses a serial approach that separates registration and data sharing for difference pieces of the project, and allows both registration and data sharing to be conducted at multiple points before, during and after the project is complete. The hope is that this broader discussion will encourage creative thinking about how to preserve and enhance the best open science tools, while supporting the unique needs of longitudinal research.