"WIREs Cognitive Science" Publishes Collection Sponsered by the DeLTA Center
A new collection of articles, sponsored by the DeLTA Center, has just been published by WIREs Cognitive Science. The collection, entitled "How We Develop — Developmental Systems and the Emergence of Complex Behaviors,” is co-edited by current DeLTA Director Mark Blumberg, former DeLTA Director John Spencer, and bestselling author David Shenk. It comprises 25 highly readable essays on a variety of topics of broad developmental interest. The contributors include Bob McMurray, Larissa Samuelson, Joan Stiles, Karen Adolph, Bob Lickliter, David Moore, Patrick Bateson, Terry Jernigan, Scott Gilbert, Charles Nelson, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Richard Aslin, Jana Iverson, Clancy Blair, and Susan Goldin-Meadow. The entire collection is freely available for download here.